The powerpoint slides and the recorded 2-hour show for the 2nd and 3rd presentation in this Zoom Series have been added to the NAPARS reference Library.
Remember back before the plague? Ahhh, good times. NYSTARS hosted a good conference on pedestrian issues, crash recon, and PRT, with testing, videos, and some great presentations. I have uploaded the presentations as well as a bunch of the other collected peripheral info that came to me from that conference to the Reference Library, in its own "2018 Join Conference" directory. Members can get there from the website. Peace. -W
The 2-hour Zoom presentation on Research & Resources for Reconstruction has been uploaded to the Reference Library in the MEMBERS tab, as has the powerpoint presentation (in PDF format). The next show is next Friday: 2 hours with Greg Russell on Momentum. Be there or be square!
Peace. -W
NAPARS will be hosting five 2-hour Zoom trainings soon.
They are free to anyone who wants to sign in and watch.
They are all at 11am, Eastern Time (Note the USA will turn clocks back 1 hour 11/6/22, so the time difference may change for some viewers)
We have submitted for ACTAR CEUs, and will update this when I learn more.
We used jotform to register for the first one, but the rest will go thru this website, in the EVENT section
1. 10/21, Research & information plus NAPARS resources, Wade Bartlett
2. 10/28, Momentum Refresher, Greg Russell
3. 11/04, Bendix Pro heavy truck systems, Tommy Sturdivan
4. TBD, TBD, Adam Hyde
5. 11/18, Spin Analysis, George Meinschein
Additional registration links will be announced soon for the final 4 events.
Google Maps allows a neat visualization of where our 1000 members reside. This map has no personal information, just city, state, country, and should be accessible to anyone interested in seeing how the membership is spread out. Obviously, there are a lot of duplicates in the bigger cities. 900 of us live in the USA, another 100 live in 28 other countries. I love the online reach! Here's to a prosperous 2022 for all of us. Peace. -W
I have uploaded an updated version of the index that I built to include all the ARJ / AIQ / SOARce articles back to the beginning of each, as well as the Reference Library contents, and the Lending Library contents. We're approaching 5000 entries now. Members should go to the NAPARS.ORG website, log in to get access, and then click the "MEMBERS" tab up top. This is an excel file, and though you can access the whole list in GOOGLEDOCS, the search macros that Andy Rich built for Excel won't work in that online environment (they are missing a text function). So download this to your computer and open it with Excel - Andy has tested it with Excel365, and I've tested it back to a 2016 version on my machine, and the board of directors has tested it on several other platforms.
There is a HOW TO guide in PDF format there, as well, titled "INDEX Searching How To Page". The accessibility to this data is dramatically improvee as compared to my excel-nerd version. A huge thank you to Andy Rich for making this happen! Peace. -W
I'm slowly trying to get everyone onto an "end of the month" renewal date. We have been working on a mostly straight "365-day" membership since we got the new website, but that has not worked as well as I had hoped. As renewals come in now, I'm manually resetting each member's next renewal date to an end of month, such that they don't miss any issues of the ARJ. Some folks are getting a few extra weeks, some got trimmed by a week or so. So if your current renewal date doesn't seem to be what you remember, you might be correct. If anyone has an issue with the process or result for their membership, please ping me off list ( and we'll find some common ground to move forward. Thanks for your patience.
I've got a few extra thumbdrives from last month's Joint Conference hosted by MDATAI. They have the presentations, videos of the crashes, data and photos from the testing, vehicle specs from Expert Autostats, and vehicle weights. It's about 9GB of data in all. The extra thumbdrives are now for sale in the NAPARS store (see the tab at the top of the page). Cost is $45, but discounted to $35 for members of any of the 5 groups (but if you're not NAPARS, you'll have to hit me up for the discount). Peace. -W
NAPARS has for several years used variable renewal dates so that everyone gets 6 issues of the Accident Reconstruction Journal when they sign up. This means a new member might only get 10 months of membership, or perhaps 13 months, depending on when they sign up and if they want to get the recent ARJ issue as their first or wait for the next. This constant state of flux means our best metric for measuring membership is the number of ARJs we order. With two late renewals this week, we have ordered our 1,000th copy of the recently released ARJ #185 from Victor Craig, the publisher. Color me satisfied. Peace. -W
The Joint Conference for 2021 is concluded. We finished strong with a great presentation on the crashes by Brad Muir and Greg Russell. The second test with a van holding a ton of sand was like a deadblow hammer, and the highspeed videos show the van getting pushed backwards by the car, but then the sand catches up and stops everything right there. I'll be uploading presentations and videos and test data and Pix4D maps and such to the Reference Library as soon as I get caught up. Probably gonna be a few days. Until next year! Peace. -W
NAPARS, PO Box 866Farmington NH