I'm building the mailing list for the May/June ARJ now. It should be out in just over a week or so. If your membership lapsed after 5/15/2019, and you haven't renewed yet, you're not on that guest list. You can always log in to check your status, or ping me ( with any questions. Renewal is easy - either online or with an old-fashioned check. We can accommodate either!
Peace. -W
Visit for a brief soliloquy on gravity.
Regarding trailer wheel separation, a couple new resource items have been added to the Reference Library, and some online resources are listed on our facebook page today:
A fairly complete contents listing for major articles, and many minor ones as well, has been posted in the Reference Library, titled "ARJ Index as of 03APR2019". You can open it in Google's SHEETS software, or save it to your computer and use Excel. Press "<CNTRL> F" for "FIND" to search for keywords of interest. The listing has all cover-listed articles from 1989-2003, and a more comprehensive listing including authors for 2004-2019. It's a work in progress, and I'll update the file as I get more of the early issues added. Peace. -Wade
Visit our facebook page for a comparison of skid-test results from several drivers in the same car.
The first "NAPARS News" for 2019 is hot off the presses! I sent it to all NAPARS members last night. For the first time, I've used the email system that's integral to the new website, so it may look a little different, but it is really from NAPARS. The email has a link to the PDF document stored on our website. You can click on the link and read it in your browser, or right click on the link and save the PDF to your computer for future reading. For those of you who wish to print a paper copy, most of it will be fine, but some links will be pretty useless, since they are directing you to a website, which is not yet available in hardcopy. <heh> Anyway, this issue has -The President's Message -Wade's Miscellaneous Ramblings column -Passings & Transitions -A Blast From The Past (1997 ARJ article on friction testing inverted cars) -Use It Or Lose It practice problems (with solutions) -and my latest Mailbox Review. I have also placed a copy with all the previous NAPARS News issues in the Reference Library. We hope you like it. Peace. -W
Visit our Facebook page ( for a discussion of how to distinguish Long Stroke brake chambers from the regular kind. Peace. -Wade, admin.
NAPARS, PO Box 866Farmington NH