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  • 27 Oct 2020 21:10 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    Registration is open for the 3-day Tire Forensics class by T.J.Tennent in March 2021. We opened it this afternoon, and we're at 20 registrations so far. We currently have 100 seats, and expect it to sell out. We have a waiting list set up when it fills. Visit the EVENTS page for all the details!

  • 18 Oct 2020 11:06 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    I've finally finished the tallies for the conference, and sent lists to the ACTAR rep for CEU consideration. I have also assembled the attendance lists - over the 7 sessions, we had nearly 500 different people stop by for between one and 7 shows. 144 people will be getting an attendance cert for all 7 shows, sent by email as soon as we can get them assembled. The other 350-ish folks will get a cert for the sessions that they logged in for, or that I can identify as being in the Zoom-room for more than 90 minutes from the Participant Logs. There are some things I'd do differently next time on the administrative end, but I couldn't be happier with the results for our members. The videos of the 6 recorded sessions will be posted in the members-only section shortly. Thanks to the presenters for sharing their time, and the team of guys behind the scenes making it happen! On to next year, when MdATAI will be hosting the Joint Conference. 

  • 09 Oct 2020 17:25 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    The handouts from the first 5 presentations are now posted online. The sessions for which we have video (the first 4 this week) will be posted next week <fingers crossed> or as soon as possible after that. See you all on Monday - 12:40 or so, right? T.J.'s session starts at 1pm. Peace. -W

  • 06 Oct 2020 04:25 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    I've added the first two presentation handouts to the website. They are under the EVENTS tab, then click the CONFERENCE button (circled in the screencapture here). We'll eventually move these things into the members-only section, but for now they are up front. Peace. -W

  • 06 Oct 2020 01:45 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    The virtual conference kicked off 10/5 with a two-hour session on motorcycle turning and swerving by yours truly. Zoom worked pretty well, with around 400 attendees. We video-recorded the session, and will eventually get it posted to the website, along with a powerpoint handout. We'll do the same for the 10/6 show on Rollovers by John Daily. Subsequent presentation recording is still up in the air. Check your emails after 10am for the sign-in link, and if you don't see it, write to me at admin@napars.org and we'll figure it out. Better to do that earlier than later, though, ok? Peace. -W

  • 24 Sep 2020 18:16 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    We will have 7 two-hour presentations on 7 consectuive days from 10/5 to 10/13 (not on the weekend). ACTAR has approved 2 CEUs for each one. They will run from 1pm Eastern Time to 3pm. We will have 1,000 available log-in slots, and will send out the URL each morning to members of all the groups. Sorry for the late notice, we're still ironing out the details of ZOOM, ACTAR, speakers, and logistics. Turns out, this process is no simpler than a regular conference - just different, and we're all new to this, so please be patient. More news soon, I promise. Peace. -W

  • 18 Aug 2020 19:39 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    I've gone live with the Lending Library, as shown in the Member's Only section. There are currently roughly 5 dozen items, including SAE "Special Publications", STAPP conference proceedings, and a few books. I'll be adding a couple dozen books from my library shortly. The idea here is that NAPARS members can borrow anything for a month for the cost of shipping. If you have a UPS or Fedex account, I can ship it on that, or I can send it by whoever's cheaper at the "mail it" store. Returns are based on the honor system. Contact me at admin@NAPARS.org with any questions or comments. Peace. -W

  • 17 Aug 2020 20:35 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    I have uploaded 20 papers from the 1999 CMRSC XI conference to the Reference Library in the Members Only section of this website. There are a couple with actual test data that might be useful, a staged train/pickup collision, in-line skaters' speed, ABS testing with and without steering input, and some more that might provide some useful background on a particular topic like Road Rage, training, traffic calming, and heavy trucks. Enjoy. Peace. -W

  • 17 Aug 2020 06:59 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    ADMIN UPDATE: I have updated the ARJ INDEX to include the contents of the latest ARJ, as well as the conferences and papers that I've uploaded to the NAPARS Reference Library. It is the Excel File titled "ARJ Index with Ref Library as of 18AUG2020". It has about 3,500 line items now. I've got some more conferences to upload and add...as time allows.
    Peace. -W

  • 13 Aug 2020 13:23 | Wade Bartlett (admin) (Administrator)

    The July/August 2020 issue of ARJ is arriving at email in-boxes as we speak. My copy arrived last night. Peace. -W

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